Registration Closed

Intel® AI DevCampChicago | April 7th, 2018

@TechNexus | 9AM - 7PM

Where have you taken AI, and where will AI take us?


e're gathering industry developers in the Chicago area to get a sense of how the AI community is 

advancing the field and solving complex problems.

Combining the best parts of our favorite events, this hybrid event will allow you and your fellow developers to discuss how AI can tackle industry problems.

All are welcome, but content is geared for those with a basic understanding of Machine Learning and experience with Python.

Not Just a Conference

We're taking full advantage of the opportunity to gather the AI minds of Chicago by providing different avenues for discussion and learning!

Developer Workshop

Lightning Talks

Community Demos

Mini AI Competition

We'll open the event with a workshop covering AI technologies from Intel's DevCloud to popular frameworks and tools. Then we’ll dive into topics like Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Reinforcement Learning. And the rest of the day will include lightning talks from local AI startups and the Intel®'s community partners. 

Discover some of the ingenious ways your contemporaries are leveraging AI by checking out community demos. Then, test skills acquired at the workshop in our mini AI competition!